Softball Stats (c) 1986 Brad Shapiro MAY NOT BE SOLD This program will allow the user to enter up to 20 players of a softball team along with their associated stats: At Bats, Hits, Runs, RBI, BB. The program will calculate batting averages. You have the option of sorting the output via the menu bar. Hints/Tips/Do's/Dont's ====================== You'll notice that the "Project" menu has only two selections: Print and Quit. The program automatically loads and saves stats to a data file called "STATISTICS". Make sure the program DOES NOT have the same name as the data file. When you run the program, it will check for the data file. If the file does not exist, it will create it. Stats are read into memory when you run the program. The next menu is "Add new..." and the choices are Players and Stats. If you are adding new players in the middle of the season, make sure you enter the players FIRST and then the stats for the whole team. Each time you select "Add new...Stats" the game counter is incremented. When you are done adding new players, hit RETURN or ESCAPE at the Name prompt to return to the top of the program. When you add new stats, you will be prompted "Did XXX play?" If the player played simply hit RETURN. If the player did not play hit ESCAPE or enter anything other than "Y" in the left-most position of your response. Answering YES to the response prompts you for game stats for that player. After you have entered the stats you will get a "Is this correct?" prompt. If the player did not play, the program will loop to the next player. When you are done entering stats the program automatically returns to the top of the program. The "Sort by..." menu selection determines how your stats will be sorted for printout. Stats are sorted when you select the PRINT option from the Project menu. HINT: If you plan to sort the stats by something other than PLAYER (eg you want a list of the team by AVERAGE) get a screen printout sorted by PLAYER first. Then go back and select AVERAGE and perform the print- out again. Then your stats will be sorted primarily by AVERAGE and secondarily by PLAYER. When you PRINT you get screen prompts asking where you want the data displayed (Screen or Printer) and whether you want Cumulative stats or stats for a specific game. The program only keeps TEAM TOTALS for cumulative stats, NOT for each game. If you select a sort by PLAYER the stats are printed/displayed in ascending order (A-Z). If you select ANY other type of sort the stats are printed/displayed in DESCENDING order. (ie a sort by AVERAGE will produce a printout with the best batting average at the top and the worst at the bottom.) KNOWN BUGS ========== None....<<>> If you run out of memory (very possible since the array is so damn large) here is a fix: Put these two lines at the top of the program: CLEAR ,25000 CLEAR ,50000 Put this line in the "Quit" subroutine: CLEAR ,25000 That should eliminate memory problems. IN GENERAL ========== This program has very little error checking. I was in a big hurry to write it and I HATE error checking routines. So help the program out: Don't try to crash the program and don't put in a faulty/write-protected/full disk. If this program resembles a softball statistics program you may have seen in COMPUTE! or COMPUTE!'s GAZETTE, it really isn't. I couldn't find the issue with the softball program in it, so I had to write this on from scratch. Besides, this one is better -- trust me. If you happen to find any bugs in this I would appreciate your telling me about them you can drop me a line via E-Mail, my user id is VIDEO. Enjoy it, Brad